email interview with Glenn Smith, director-general, Christian Direction, Montreal

1. What are the main challenges and issues the Canadian church is facing? How are we doing at dealing with those challenges and issues?

The increasing marginalization of the social significance of Bible, religion, Jesus, church and the ensuing privitization of faith. We are not handling this at all. Immigration - we have always been good at this especially with certain ethnic groups. Church planting in the six largest city/regions of Quebec. Most Protestant congregations are still in communities under 50,000 people while 66 percent+ of Quebecers live in the large centres. Theological education and practical pastoral/leadership education is suffering.

2. What are the bright spots, encouraging trends, new movements in Canadian Christianity? How will the Canadian church and Canadian society change in the future? What future trends and issues will we have to deal with?

Christians are collaborating more and more together, especially at the local level. Dissatisfaction with the status-quo. New English church-planting initiatives especially in Montreal.

3. What is the character of the Canadian church? What distinguishing characteristics does it have? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Is this changing?

The Quebec church is assuming more and more responsibility to pursue mission with the whole culture. One aspect of the culture that shows up in the church is the lack of charitable giving and volunteerism. Protestant churches are responding to this creatively - but it is a challenge.