In Part 1 of this article, I mentioned how my brother, as a child, would often forget what he was supposed to do in the washroom before he went to bed and would frequently ask our parents, “What am I supposed to be doing?” I suggested that this is a valuable question for the church […]
The Church, Part I: God’s Mission for the Church
When my brothers and I were young, my parents had established a nightly routine for us. We would brush our teeth, read a Bible story together, get a drink, use the toilet, and then we would go to bed. Though this routine was as consistent as the rising and the setting of the sun, my […]
Why Churches Need to Embrace Technology
Churches unable to adapt to technology and the way people communicate today may be in trouble. We often hear about churches across Canada losing young people and closing their doors. I believe that a few low-cost, practical tips can help churches connect with their community, increase their reach, and ultimately turn this trend around. I […]
Making the Kingdom of God Tangible
A few years back I read a book by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay, entitled The Tangible Kingdom. As I read it my heart burned. When I shut the book I said out loud: “That is what I want to do with my life.” And I have. At least I have tried. And I am […]
“Welcome to Canada”: Documentary on Canadian Immigrants and the Church
Thousands of immigrants and refugees migrate to Canada each year. The reasons people come to Canada are as diverse as the countries from which they came, but all come with the hope of starting a new life in Canada. On Saturday, October 6th at 7pm, Crossroads Television System (CTS) presents “Welcome to Canada” a unique […]