“Proclaim the gospel at all times; if necessary use words.” We hear this gem from St. Francis of Assisi often these days. The phrase is introduced as an encouragement to good works, but also, commonly, to subtly disparage proclamation of the gospel. Two new books insist that St. Francis would never have said those words […]
Tim Tebow’s faith divides football fans
Many professional athletes are known for their faith, but few have been as upfront about it as football star Tim Tebow. His characteristic prayer position — kneeling on the gridiron, fist on forehead, elbow on knee — has even given rise to a new verb — to ‘tebow’ (http://tebowing.com/). His persistence in outward signs of […]
Our man in Cape Town
The Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization is taking place in Cape Town, South Africa October 16 — 25. More than 4,000 participants have come from almost 200 countries. Flyn Ritchie, president of Christian Info Society (which publishes this website), is currently there; he sent the following report October 21. When I landed in Cape Town […]